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woman suffering from muscle soreness

Relieve Muscle Soreness: Products & Natural Remedies 

Rest, heat, and ice are old stand-bys when it comes to relieving muscle soreness. But sometimes, the pain is so intense that it can make everyday activities difficult. If your muscles are giving you trouble, it may be time to try better products and natural remedies that actually work.

We’ll explore some of the top roll-ons and creams to target and relieve your pain instantly. We’ll also look at some natural remedies you could use to supplement these products. Keep reading to find the relief you need.

1. Fiddler’s Green Icy Relief Roll-On

CBD Muscle Pain Roll On

If you’re looking for a pain relief product you can count on, it’s Fiddler’s Green Icy Relief Roll-On with Hemp Extract. This roll-on is easy to apply directly to the affected area. Its cooling menthol sensation will provide instant relief as soon as you apply it.

But, the Icy Relief Roll-On has a star ingredient that makes it stand out from others – hemp extract. This gives it anti-inflammatory properties that will work deep past your skin and into your muscles to give you hours of relief. Other companies like Biofreeze have similar products, but you need to keep reapplying to keep it working. With Fiddler’s Green, just roll it on, and you’ll have targeted relief for hours. You don’t even need to worry about getting it on your hands.

If you’re looking for a pain relief product you can count on, it’s Fiddler’s Green Icy Relief Roll-On with Hemp Extract. This roll-on is easy to apply directly to the affected area. Its cooling menthol sensation will provide instant relief as soon as you apply it. 

You can choose from three different strengths to get the level you need for your pain. Plus, it’s a better value compared to similar products. Many other satisfied customers have left overall great Google reviews. 

Fiddler’s Green is also a product you can trust. They use the finest plant-based ingredients. They’re natural and don’t have additives or harsh chemicals. You can get the relief you need without unwanted risks or side effects. 

This combination of fast and long-acting relief makes it our top pain-relieving product. Make this your go-to when you need quick relief from your aches and pains.

Related: Fiddler’s Green Whole Plant Tincture

2. Tiger Balm Active Muscle Rub

Tiger Balm Active Muscle Rub

Tiger Balm has been trusted to provide pain-relieving ointments for over 100 years. While our other two favorites use menthol to create a cooling sensation, Tiger Balm works by providing a warming sensation

Their Active Muscle Rub is a great cream option if you want to soothe aches and pains from sports or other activities. It’s a non-greasy formula that you can apply to relieve soreness. But you can also apply it as a pre-sports warm-up to get you ready to move.

3. Biofreeze Spray

Biofreeze Spray

Biofreeze spray allows you to apply pain relief to hard-to-reach areas. This can be great for places like your neck, middle of your back, or lower extremities. It works effectively on sore muscles and aches, strains and sprains, bruises, arthritis, and simple backaches. The key to Biofreeze’s relief comes from its menthol formula, which gives a cooling sensation to wash away pain quickly.

You can also find Biofreeze in other formulations, such as creams, roll-ons, and patches. All of their products are formulated without NSAIDs and not tested on animals.

4. Epsom Salt Soak

Epsom Salt

An Epsom salt bath is a classic home remedy for sore muscles and joints. While it’s not quite salt in the way table salt is, the key is its high composition of magnesium and sulfates. These absorb through your skin, where they can start to work. Epsom salts can help reduce inflammation and muscle spasms while lowering inflammation.

To make an effective soak, fill the tub with warm water and add two cups of Epsom salts. Soak for at least twenty minutes and repeat as you need to. Once your muscles are loosened up, you may even want to pair your soak with a muscle-releasing massage for even more relief.

Want to give your body time to relax and recuperate? Check out all of Fiddler’s Green’s products to find more natural hemp options you’ll love.

5. Turmeric

Bag full of turmeric

Inflammation can make injured muscles feel much worse. Tackling it can be difficult, but turmeric can be an effective way to lower inflammation when you’re injured. This distinctive spice contains curcumin, a compound that reduces pain from a number of different conditions, including sciatica and diabetic neuropathy. It can be used for general muscle soreness caused by exercise or for more serious pain.

Turmeric is commonly used in Indian cooking. You can add it to many different dishes. Mix it with black pepper to make it even more effective at pain relief. If you want an easier option, choose turmeric in supplement form or as a tea.

Related: Fiddler’s Green Whole Plant Gummies

6. Collagen

Collagen is a natural protein that’s found in our bodies. It contains 19 amino acids, which help keep connective tissue strong and build joints. It acts like a glue in our body, making it easier to stay strong and heal quickly.

If you’re suffering from muscle soreness, adding some collagen to your diet may help over time. It doesn’t directly get rid of muscle soreness in the short term. But it can help by strengthening your connective tissue, which will help you move more comfortably. It can also be helpful when recovering from joint pain or a sprain.  

You can naturally find collagen in high-protein foods like beef, fish, chicken, eggshell membranes, and real bone broth. You can also find it in supplement form, such as powders.

Is your muscle soreness making it hard to relax and rest? Try Fiddler’s Green Hemp Isolate Tincture for calm and relaxation without any psychoactive effects.

7. Move Your Body

While you may not feel like moving while you’re sore, being inactive can actually make the pain worse. Without movement, your muscles and joints can become weak, putting additional stress on your joints. This can make it more likely that you further injure yourself.

Regular exercise is key to strengthening and stretching your joints and muscles. Over time, this will help reduce pain. Start small, and don’t push yourself too far. But do make sure to do what you can. Pair it with Hemp Extract Icy Relief Salve to give you additional relief after you stretch out your muscles.

Relieve Muscle Soreness With the Best Products and Natural Remedies

Using natural remedies and effective products can make dealing with sore muscles and joints much easier. Make sure to choose trusted products that provide quick and lasting relief. You can follow this up with other remedies such as light exercise and even baths. You’ll be back to feeling like yourself in no time.Related: Fiddler’s Green Hemp Isolate Gummies

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